Rapid Smiting

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Rapid Smiting.png Rapid Smiting
Rapid Smiting Info.gif
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5 (Selectable)
SP Cost: 25 + (Skill Level × 3)
Fixed Cast Time: 0.2 seconds
Variable Cast Time: 0.8 seconds
Cast Delay: 1 second
Target: Enemy
Range: varies cells
Equipment: Shield
(Crusader) Shield Boomerang Lv. 5

Rapid Smiting (Alt: Shield Chain) is a Transcendent 2nd class offensive skill available as Paladin.


Smashes a single target with the equipped shield five times, where each hit will inflict ranged physical damage. The damage is affected by the equipped shield's weight and upgrade level.

Level Base Damage (ATK) Range (cells) SP Cost
1 500% 7 28
2 700% 7 31
3 900% 9 34
4 1,100% 9 37
5 1,300% 11 40
Damage (ATK) = [Base_Damage + (Shield Upgrade x 4) + Shield Weight] x (BaseLv ÷ 100)%


Enhanced by


This page has the previous version of this skill before the 2020 skill updates.


  • May 1st, 2020
    • Damage formula changed.
      • Old: [500 + (Skill Level x 150)]%
      • New: [300 + (Skill Level x 200) + (Shield Upgrade x 4) + Shield Weight] x (BaseLv ÷ 100)%
    • Range increased from 4 cells to 11 cells.
    • Base level damage scaling added.
    • Damage is no longer Pseudo-elemental.