Meister Job Change Guide

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Meister Job Change Guide
Base Level: 200
Job Level: 60(70 strongly recommended, will never recover lost skill points otherwise. But you will have 70 before getting to 200 base lvl)
Job Class: Mechanic
Quest Prerequisite(s): Juno
Item(s): 490087.png Hourglass Necklace
Quest Reward(s): Job Change to Meister
* Note: This quest can be skipped, refer Fourth Class Job Change Quest Skip before talking to the job change npc.
  1. Go to Juno at juno112208 and speak to Roday or Mist.
  2. Go to Verus at verus04214251 and speak to Maura three times.
  3. Speak to E-Type Gear next to Maura to create an instance.
    • NOTE At this point make sure you are in a party as the party leader.
    • Talk again with E-Type Gear to enter the instance.
    • NOTE The map is a copy of Juperos Core.
  4. Inside the instance speak to Maura Dash.
  5. Go to the green crosses at the top, bottom left and bottom right of the map to investigate the Ghost Fire's Traces.
  6. Go to the yellow cross at 3 O'Clock and step on the Gate of Truth and wait for the dialogue to end.
  7. Speak to Maura Dash while standing at the Gate of Truth.
  8. Speak to Maura Dash to leave the instance.
  9. Speak to Maura to change your job to a Meister.
    • if necessary dismount the Madogear.