Mighty Smash

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Mighty Smash
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 10, selectable
SP Cost: 65 + (Skill Level × 3)
Cast Delay: 0.7 seconds
Cooldown: 0.5 seconds
Target: Self
Range: Melee
Area of Effect: 3x3~7x7
Weapon: Axe

Mighty Smash is a 4th class offensive skill available as Meister.


Swings a large axe to inflict melee physical damage 5 times to targets within an area around the caster.

  • Inflicts stronger melee physical damage 7 times while under Axe Stomp Axe Stomp effect.
Level Base Damage (ATK) per Hit Number of Hits Area of Effect
without Buff with Axe Stomp Buff without Buff with Axe Stomp Buff
1 320% 340% 5 7 3x3
2 560% 580%
3 800% 820%
4 1040% 1060%
5 1280% 1300% 5x5
6 1520% 1540%
7 1760% 1780%
8 2000% 2020%
9 2240% 2260% 7x7
10 2480% 2500%
Damage (ATK) = [(Base_Damage + 5 × POW) × Base_Lv ÷ 100]%


Enhanced by

Note: Equips whose image show up broken (<some-id>.png), are not released in iRO yet and should be released in upcoming patches.



  • 620022.png Divine Buster [2]
    • Increases damage by 5%.
    • If refine level is +5 or higher, increases damage by 10%.
    • If refine level is +9 or higher, increases damage by 10%.
    • If refine level is +11 or higher, increases damage by 5%.
    • When equipped with 400380.png Crown of Good and Evil (Meister) [1] -
      • For every 3 refine levels of weapon, increases damage by 4%.
      • If weapon is grade B or higher, increases damage by 10%.
      • When enchanted with 312014.png Good Spell -


Shadow Equipment