ABR Mother Net

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ABR Mother Net
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 4, selectable
SP Cost: 20 + (Skill Level x 10)
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Cast Delay: 0.5 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Duration: 60 + (Skill Level × 60) seconds
Catalyst: 1000290.png ABR Capsule
AP Generated: 20

ABR: Mother Net (Alt: ABR - Mother Net) is a 4th class support skill available as Meister.


Summons the support ABR, Mother Net, to aid player in combat.

  • The Mother Net's stats increases based on the skill level of ABR Mastery and the caster's stats.
  • Only 1 Mother Net can be summoned at a time.
  • For the duration, Mother Net will sometimes heal player for 10% of their max HP when they take damage, also periodically restore 3% SP to player and nearby party members.
    • The HP/SP healing is applied to all party members within 17x17 area around the Mother Net, not the caster.
Level Duration (in seconds)
1 120
2 180
3 240
4 300