Arch Mage Job Change Guide

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Arch Mage Job Change Guide
Base Level: 200
Job Level: 60(70 strongly recommended, will never recover lost skill points otherwise. But you will have 70 before getting to 200 base lvl)
Job Class: Warlock
Item(s) (Consumed): 7097.png 1 Burning Heart
950.png 1 Mermaid's Heart
608.png 1 Yggdrasil Seed
Quest Prerequisite(s): Legacy of the Wise One Starting the Quest - Step 9
Item(s): 490087.png Hourglass Necklace
Quest Reward(s): Job Change to Arch Mage
* Note: This quest can be skipped, refer Fourth Class Job Change Quest Skip before talking to the job change npc.
  1. Go to the north side of Varmundt Bathhouse near ba_maison200266.
  2. A dialog will trigger and a fairy will appear next to the flower garden.
  3. Go near the entrance of Varmundt Bathhouse and click on Strange Plant to be teleported.
  4. Talk with Yoop and Maggie will appear next to you to give you a task to start the job change trial.
  5. Go to Thor Volcano F3 to hunt the requested monsters and get 7097.png 1 Burning Heart. You can use the Dungeon Teleporter in Eden to move to Thor Volcano F1.
  6. Go back to the entrance of Varmundt Bathhouse and click on Strange Plant to enter the building.
  7. Talk with Maggie to get the next hunting mission.
  8. Go outside and enter the Bathhouse ba_bath16544 and hunt the requested monsters and get 950.png 1 Mermaid's Heart.
  9. Go back with Maggie to get the next hunting mission.
  10. Go kill a Shining Plant (Odin Temple F3) and get 608.png 1 Yggdrasil Seed.
  11. Go back with Maggie and make sure you are in a party as the party leader.
  12. Talk with her again to start the job change instance and click on her again to enter.
  13. Once inside the instance, talk to Yoop to start the dialogue.
  14. Go to the warp at the top, then go to the right wing to place the 7097.png 1 Burning Heart into the Hot Barrel
    • Select "Put in the Burning Heart" and a monster will appear, defeat it and the fairies will start a dialogue.
  15. Go back to the left, and keep moving to the north till you find the next right wing to place the 950.png 1 Mermaid's Heart into the Boiling Pot
    • Select "Put in the Mermaid's Heart" and a monster will appear, defeat it and the fairies will start a dialogue.
  16. Go back to the left and keep going to the north to enter a big room.
  17. Click on the middle of the carpet to plant the 608.png 1 Yggdrasil Seed and you will be teleported.
  18. Talk to the Master Egnoloria then choose "I want to be a great magician" to change your job to an Arch Mage.
  19. To leave the instance keep going south.