Violent Quake

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Violent Quake
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 70 + (10 × Skill Level)
Fixed Cast Time: 1.5 seconds
Variable Cast Time: 4 seconds
Cast Delay: 1 second
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Target: Ground
Range: Magic
Area of Effect: 7x7~9x9
Property: Earth
Status: Climax Earth Climax Earth
Arch Mage

Violent Quake (Alt: Violent Quake) is a 4th class active skill available as Arch Mage.


Causes an earthquake at the targeted area and rocks are rising randomly during the skill duration inflicting Earth elemental magic damage to targets within 7x7 cells.

  • If you have Climax Climax status active, the effect will change according to the Climax skill level.
Level Rocks Damage (MATK) Area of Effect
1 4 120% 7x7
2 8 240%
3 12 360% 9x9
4 16 480%
5 20 600%
Damage (MATK) = [(Base_Damage + 5 × SPL) × Base_Lv ÷ 100]%

Climax Effect

Climax Level Effect
1 Half the damage but 2 Rocks will explode at once
2 Rock explosion AoE is increased to 9x9
3 Damage increased by 100%
4 Skill no longer spawn Rocks but enemies in the area will be inflicted by Climax Earth Climax Earth for 30 seconds
5 Reduce Rock spawning area to 7x7