Servant Weapon - Phantom

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Servant Weapon - Phantom
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5, selectable
SP Cost: 40
Fixed Cast Time: 0.5 seconds
Variable Cast Time: 0.8 seconds
Cast Delay: 0.8 seconds
Cooldown: 2 seconds
Target: Enemy
Area of Effect: 7x7
Status: Sightless Sightless
Dragon Knight

Servant Weapon - Phantom (Alt: Servant Weapon - Phantom) is a 4th class offensive skill available as Dragon Knight.


Instantly dash to target enemy and consume all of your Servant Weapons Servant Weapons.

  • If the target is marked with Servant Weapon - Sign Servant Weapon - Sign, you will deal damage in a 7x7 AoE around them for every weapon consumed.
  • There is also a chance to cause the Sightless Sightless status to all enemies in a 5x5 AoE around the target.
  • This skill can deal Critical Hits. Critical Chance for this skill is based on your Critical Rate.
Level Base Damage (ATK) Sightless Chance
1 200% 40%
2 300% 50%
3 400% 60%
4 400% 70%
5 600% 80%
Damage (ATK) = [(Base_Damage + 5 × POW) × Base_Lv ÷ 100]%


Enhanced by



  • TBA