Dragonic Aura

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Dragonic Aura
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 10, selectable
SP Cost: 100
AP Cost: 150
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Cast Delay: 1 second
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Duration: 300 seconds
Target: Enemy
Range: 7 cells
Status Icon:
Rune Knight

Dragon Knight

Dragonic Aura (Alt: Dragonic Aura) is a 4th class offensive skill available as Dragon Knight.


Inflict devastating ranged damage to target enemy up to 7 cells away.

Level Base Damage (ATK) Dragon Breath / Dragon Water Breath Increase
Against Others Against Demi-Human / Angel
1 950% 1,400% 10%
2 1,900% 2,800% 20%
3 2,850% 4,200% 30%
4 3,800% 5,600% 40%
5 4,750% 7,000% 50%
6 5,700% 8,400% 60%
7 6,650% 9,800% 70%
8 7,600% 11,200% 80%
9 8,550% 12,600% 90%
10 9,500% 14,000% 100%
Damage (ATK)% = [(Base_Damage + 10 × POW) × Base_Lv ÷ 100]%