Wind Cutter

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Wind Cutter.png Wind Cutter
Wind Cutter Info.gif
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 20 + (Skill Level × 3)
Cast Delay: 0.5 seconds
Cooldown: 0.55 - (Skill Level × 0.05) seconds
Target: Self
Area of Effect: 3x3 ~ 7x7
(Rune Knight) Enchant Blade Lv. 5

Wind Cutter (Alt: Wind Cutter) is a 3rd class offensive skill available as Rune Knight.


Swings the equipped weapon forward, sweeping all enemies in front of the user, dealing Ranged Damage with Spear otherwise Melee Damage. The skill will hit twice when using Two-Handed Sword

Level Base Damage (2H Sword) Base Damage (Spear) Base Damage (All Other Weapons) Area of Effect Cooldown SP Cost
1 250% 400% 300% 3x3 0.50s 23
2 500% 800% 600% 0.45s 26
3 750% 1,200% 900% 5x5 0.40s 29
4 1,000% 1,600% 1,200% 0.35s 32
5 1,250% 2,000% 1,500% 7x7 0.30s 35
Damage (ATK) = (Base_Damage × BaseLv ÷ 100)%


Enhanced by


Equipment Sets


  • October 13th, 2022
    • Damage Improved, Status Alignment Removed, Forced Wind Element Removed, Changed Damaged Type, Added Delay