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An Instance (also known as Memorial Dungeon) is a type of dungeon in which a specific copy ("instance") is created for each individual party attempting to enter. As such, the server requires a small time period to create the instance, and it can only be used until a certain time limit before it is destroyed. Therefore, each party has the instance to themselves.


  • They involve one-way (no going backwards) progressions in an NPC-narrated quest.
  • They require players to be in a Party, and are "created" uniquely for each party. One party (its members) cannot enter the instance of another party.
  • They have time limits in which the quest progression must be completed. If the quest is not completed, the instance will be destroyed, and players sent back to their Save Points.
  • They (may) have cooldown periods, where a player must wait after the time period ends before creating/entering a new instance.
  • They do not allow the skill Teleport (or Fly Wings). In a solo party, the player will be sent back to their Save Point when logged out more than 5 minutes inside an instance.
  • They may restrict certain other skills depending on the instance.
  • They are restricted to characters of certain Base Levels.
  • Some instances have an access quest that must be done before the players can start entering it.
  • Instance cooldown only applies to members that enter the instance.
  • Bringing 7621.png Token Of Siegfried is highly suggested.
  • Players cannot re-enter the instance if the players happen to:
    • Exit the instance before the instance is done.
    • Died and then respawned.
    • Everyone inside the instance has disconnected for more than 5 minutes.



Instance Name Level Party Cooldown Boss(es) Noteworthy Features
Octopus Cave - 1+ 3 Hours Giant Octopus 12623.png High Weapon Box, & Various Coin Bags.
VIP Summoner 70 1+ 6 Hours Various VIP Only. Summon a private MVP.
Sealed Shrine 75 2+ 12 Hours Unsealed Baphomet Create 5374.png Giant Magestic Goat.
Hazy Forest 99 1+ 1.5 Hours Wandering Purple Dragon Entrance Quest for Mora, Mora Daily Quests, 616.png Old Card Album.
Malangdo Culvert 99? & 140 1+ 1 Hour Dark or Weird Coelacanth
Mutant or Violent Coelacanths
6423.png Seagod's Angers, 12623.png High Weapon Box, & Various Coin Bags.


Instance Name Level Party Cooldown Boss(es) Noteworthy Features
Poring Village 30 ~ 60 1+ 20 Hours King Poring 19238.png Poring Village Green Onion or 19239.png Poring Village Carrot
Orc's Memory 60 1+ 16 Hours Fake Orc Hero 28522.png Ring of Fallen
EDDA Arunafeltz Half Moon in the Daylight 80, 130 1 23 hours Ktullanux Illusion Dream Fragment, Bishop Necklace, Dandelion Ring
Geffen Magic Tournament 90 1 16 Hours Fenris Fenrir Various Equipment like 2185.png Magic Reflector [1], 15074.png Geffen Magic Robe [1].
Sara's Memory 99 1+ 16 Hours Doyen Irene EXP, +3~+7 Stat Foods.
(16.1) Room of Consciousness 100 1 16 Hours Bijou 6919.png Honor Token, 616.png Old Card Album
(16.2) Heart Hunter War Base 2 100 1+ 16 Hours Heart Hunter Ebel 25155.png Schwartz's Honor Token
(16.2) Werner Laboratory Central Room 100 1+ 16 Hours Pet Child 25155.png Schwartz's Honor Token
(17.1) 2nd OS Search 110 1+ 16 Hours Miguel Materials for Illusion (17.1) equipment and enchants.
(17.1) Cor Memorial 110 1+ 16 Hours EL1_A17T Materials for Illusion (17.1) equipment and enchants.
Ghost Palace 120 1 16 Hours Torturous Redeemer Thanatos weapons and Gray equipment set. Lord Sakray Card.
Nightmarish Jitterbug
(The Shadowed Dream)
120 1+ 16 Hours Awakened Ferre EXP, various items like 6719.png Tooth Of Jitterbug, 2991.png Pendant Of Chaos, 15100.png Frozen Breastplate [1]
Airship Raid
(Airship Assault)
125 1 23 Hours Captain Felrock 15117.png Ferlock's Armor, 20744.png Ferlock's Cloak [1], & 22047.png Ferlock's Boots, Airship Part.
Buwaya's Cave 130 1+ 23 Hours Buwaya Materials to create 2907.png Buwaya Agimat Tattoo.
(15.1) Charleston Crisis
(King's Heel)
130 1+ 23 Hours Charleston 3 Gives materials to buy and enchant gear sets for Mechanics.
Devil's Tower 130 1+ 16 Hours Evil Fanatic Various enchanted Evil Slayer weapons.
EDDA Fall of Glast Heim (Normal) 130 1+ 04:00 AM Curse-swallowed King 4608.png White Knight Card, 4609.png Khalitzburg Knight Card, Materials to Create and Enchant King Schmidt Gear.
Old Glast Heim 130 1+ 16 Hours Corruption Root
616.png Old Card Album, Temporal Boots Enchants, White Knight and Khalitzburg card
(17.2) Farm Forgotten in Time 130 1+ 04:00 AM Pitaya Boss 1000103.png Barmeal Ticket
(17.2) Hey, Sweetie! 130 1+ 04:00 AM Sweety 1000103.png Barmeal Ticket
(17.2) Hidden Flower Garden (Normal) 130 1+ 04:00 AM Red Pepper 1000103.png Barmeal Ticket
(17.2) Floating Garden (Normal) 130 1+ 04:00 AM Silva Papilla 1000103.png Barmeal Ticket
(15.2) Central Laboratory 140 1+ 16 Hours Various Summons 3 random MVPs to fight.
Faceworm Nest 140 1+ 16 Hours Faceworm Queen 12246.png Mystical Card Album , 20717.png Giant Faceworm Snake Skin or 20718.png Giant Faceworm Snake Skin [1].
Horror Toy Factory 140 1+ 16 Hours Celine Kimi 12246.png Mystical Card Album, 616.png Old Card Album, & Various equipment.
The Last Room 150 1+ 23 Hours T_W_O 6827.png Intact Machine Components
(14.3) Isle of Bios 160 1+ 23 Hours Reaper Yanku 22537.png Prizes of Hero, 6684.png Token of Hero (used for Hero Ring Enchants).
(14.3) Morse's Cave 160 1+ 23 Hours Morocc Necromancer 22537.png Prizes of Hero, 6684.png Token of Hero (used for Hero Ring Enchants).
(14.3) Temple of Demon God 160 1+ 23 Hours Morocc The Desperate God Squad Prizes.
EDDA Somatology Laboratory - Expeditionary Journey 170 1+ 04:00 AM Unknown Swordsman 23992.png Test Subject Weapon Crate
Sanctuary Purification 170 1+ ? Normal monsters 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment
(18) Villa of Deception (Normal) 170 2+ ? Schulang, Twisted God Freyja 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment, 1000471.png Villa Basement Key, Adulter Fides weapons
(17.2) Hidden Flower Garden (Hard) 180 1+ 04:00 AM Senior Red Pepper 1000103.png Barmeal Ticket, 1000152.png Epic Modules, 1000104.png Magical Soapstone
(17.2) Floating Garden (Hard) 180 1+ 04:00 AM Grand Papillia 1000103.png Barmeal Ticket
Memories of Thanatos 180 1+ ? Thanatos
Broken Memory of Thanatos
Brilliant Light Accessories and Sinful Accessories
(18) Villa of Deception (Hard) 200 2+ ? Schulang, Twisted God Freyja 1000405.png Amethyst Fragment, Vivatus Fides weapons
Tomb of Remorse 220 1+ ? Tiara
Poenitentia Gears

3 Days

Instance Name Level Party Cooldown Boss(es) Noteworthy Features
Sunken Tower 40 ~ 249 1+ 3 Days ? ?
Nidhoggur's Nest 70 2+ 3 Days Nidhoggur's Shadow 2554.png Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb.
(16.1) Sky Fortress 145 1+ 3 Days Stephen Jack Ernest Wolf Vicious Mind Weapon,2027.png Sunflower Boy, 21018.png Lindy Hop, and 28010.png Juliette D Rachel
Wolfchev's Laboratory 145 1+ 3 Days 2-1 & 2-2 Biolab MVPs MVP Loots and various gears and items.
Advanced Old Glast Heim
(Nightmare Old Glast Heim)
160 1+ 3 Days Corruption Root H
Amdarais H
616.png Old Card Album, Temporal Boots Enchants.
Challenge Mode Old Glast Heim 170 1+ 3 Days Prime Corruption Root
Phantom of Amdarais
Phantom of Himmelmez
25864.png Sealed Circlet of Time
EDDA Fall of Glast Heim (Advanced) 170 1+ 3 Days Curse-swallowed King 4608.png White Knight Card, 4609.png Khalitzburg Knight Card, King Schmidt's Stat Insignias
Airship Crash 200 1+ 3 Days ? Unknown Stat Boots
Geffen Night Arena 210 1+ 3 Days Midnight Fenrir ?
Constellation Tower 240 1+ 00:01 AM Betelgeuse Nebula Gears


Instance Name Level Party Cooldown Boss(es) Noteworthy Features
Endless Tower (currently not active at iRO) 50 2+ 7 Days Many Many MVPs and monsters.
Weekend 60 1+ Weekends only None Minor Growth Potion, Minor Growth JPotion
Beginner Old Glast Heim
(Novice Old Glast Heim)
65 1+ 7 Days Bloody Knight
1st Commander of Destruction
Temporal Boots Enchants.
Friday 99 1+ Fridays only Lich Lord Material to enchant accessories like 2607.png Clip [1], 28483.png Royal Guardian Ring [1]
Bangungot's Instance 100 1+ 7 Days Bangungot Materials to create 2911.png Bangungot Agimat Tattoo.
Bakonawa Extermination 140 1+ 7 Days Bakonawa Materials to create 2910.png Bakonawa Agimat Tattoo.
Sarah and Fenrir 145 1+ 7 Days Sarah Irene 6803.png Shard of Gigantes.