Old Glast Heim: Challenge Mode

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Old Glast Heim: Challenge Mode
Base Level: 170
Party: 1+ Members
Hunting: MVPs
Quest Prerequisite(s): Advanced Old Glast Heim
Item(s): Varied amounts of:


"The dimension that we've discovered this time is a variant of the time zone of the Himmelmez's attacks, a kind that's frequently seen around here, but this is a bit bizarre.

Varmundt and Heinrich do not exist there. it's very rare to see a dimension where the person itself that existed has disappeared.

And the wavelength is so powerful that it's getting bigger. The current time will be eroded by the contaminated time. Before that, we need to prevent it from getting bigger."
- Oscar Karagnus

This instance is mainly farmed for Temporal Spell, which is used to exchange for various weapons, upper headgears such as each 3rd class's Circlet of Time, enchants for those Circlets, and the Mutated White Knight & Mutated Khalitzburg Cards.

  • Note: while this page is under construction to match IRO there is a very detailed KRO guide on the other wiki which is worth checking for more details but which is not yet been verified as accurate for IRO.

Instance Info


Image Name Level HP Def Mdef Base Exp Job Exp 100% HIT 95% Flee Size Element Race Spawn
20574.png Mutating White Knight 188 2,450,483 802 77 ?? ?? ?? ?? Large Shadow 3 Undead 4@ghc0
20576.png Mutating Khalitzburg 185 2,401,358 671 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? Medium Shadow 3 Undead 4@ghc0
20577.png Cursed Raydric 182 2,362,114 665 77 ?? ?? ?? ?? Medium Shadow 2 Demi-Human 4@ghc0
20578.png Cursed Raydric Archer 186 2,394,654 417 86 ?? ?? ?? ?? Medium Shadow 2 Demi-Human 4@ghc0
20575.png Prime Corruption Root 190 36,760,359 667 98 ?? ?? ?? ?? Large Earth 3 Demon 4@ghc0
20573.png Phantom Amdarais 192 Varies 446 82 ?? ?? ?? ?? Large Shadow 3 Demon 4@ghc0
20572.png Phantom Himmelmez 195 Varies 514 92 ?? ?? ?? ?? Medium Holy 3 Angel 4@ghc0

  • Instance Cooldown Quest Name: Aftermath of the challenge
  • Time Limit: 1 hour, 30 min
  • Map Names: 4@ghc0


WARNING: Before starting, please make sure your party members are all online and ready to go inside the instance. Remove any offline members or members that do not actually intend to join the instance run.

1. Go inside and party leader will select Contamination Level (difficulty). The difficulty of the instance and the amount of rewards largely depends on the level selected.

Contamination Level Information
Contamination Level Number of Clears Required
1 Start
2 5
3 11
4 18
5 26
6 35
7 45
8 60
9 80
10 100

Note: The number of clears required is regardless of Contamination Level. So it's possible to reach level 10 by just doing 100 Level 1 runs.
Note: The stats of the enemies, including the boss, of this instance depend on the Contamination Level selected at Step 1.

2. Party is going to randomly divided into the West and East rooms with each room comprising of 50 enemies. Any late party members after Contamination Level has been selected are going to be teleported to either room.

Note: It is advised to complete the next steps simultaneously to receive an additional bonus item from the NPC after the final boss.

3. Once either side has fewer than 5 monsters remaining, a portal to the other room will open, accessible through the portal from where you came from. This first portal opening starts a 30-second timer where Prime Corruption Roots spawn in the middle hallway and will be removed when the timer is finished. If both sides of the map were opened at roughly the same time, the portal to the middle hallway will open instead and will allow you to defeat Prime Corruption Roots of amount determined by the Contamination Level of the instance. These roots drop Temporal Gemstone at a high chance. Once the 30-second timer expires, the Roots will explode from Oscar's attack and will cause instant death to all players nearby. If both portals did not open after the timer expires, the party loses the opportunity to defeat the Roots.

Amount of Prime Corruption Root Spawns
Contamination Level Amount
1-3 1
4-5 1-2
6-7 1-3
8-10 1-4

Information above provided by Divine Pride.

4. Once the middle section is finished, talk to Oscar at the end of the hallway to warp you to the next area.

5. In the next area speak to Oscar to summon the boss. This will randomly spawn either Phantom Amdarais (PA) or Phantom Himmelmez (PH) by a certain chance determined by the Contamination Level. Once the boss is summoned, all characters including dead ones are summoned to the room. Defeat the boss to finish this part of the instance. The abilities of either boss depend on the Contamination Level as well.

Basic Boss Information
Contamination Level PA HP PH Spawn Chance
1 600,000,000 4.59%
2 750,000,000 4.72%
3 900,000,000 4.95%
4 1,050,000,000 5.32%
5 1,200,000,000 5.88%
6 1,350,000,000 6.76%
7 1,500,000,000 8.20%
8 1,650,000,000 10.87%
9 1,800,000,000 17.24%
10 2,000,000,000 50%

Note: for the fight your damage will be reduced to 1 if the number of living party members and the number who registered at the start are different. This means resurrecting any dead characters is a priority, all players outside the instance or offline must come inside the instance's boss area. There may be occasions due to other issues where you may need to request a player to log off to get the correct amount of party members.

Note: If all party members are dead or off screen for a short amount of time the fight will reset.

6. After defeating the boss, a treasure chest will appear that where its contents are determined by Contamination Level shown in the table below.

Reward Item Contamination Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sealed Temporal Circlet 1-5 1-6 2-7 2-8 3-9 3-10 4-10 4-10 5-10 5-10
Temporal Fragment 1-15 1-20 1-25 1-30 2-30 2-30 3-30 3-30 4-30 4-30
Temporal Gemstone - - 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-7
Temporal Spell - - - - 1-3 3-7 5-11 8-16 11-22 14-28

7. Talk to Oscar to receive rewards depending on how well you've finished the instance.

Post-instance Sealed Temporal Circlet Rewards
Contamination Level PA PH
1 1 1-2
2 1-2 1-3
3 1-3 1-4
4 1-4 2-5
5 2-5 2-6
6 2-6 2-7
7 2-7 3-8
8 3-8 3-9
9 3-9 4-10
10 3-10 4-11

Other Bonuses
1. Killing at least one Prime Corruption Root before it explodes: 1 more Sealed Temporal Circlet
2. Killing at least 100 phantom slaves during the boss stage: 1 more Sealed Temporal Circlet
3. Preventing to enrage boss or reset the stage: 1 more Sealed Temporal Circlet
4. When instance is done on Contamination Level 8 or higher: 1 additional Temporal Spell

Information above from Divine Pride.

Boss' Abilties and Stage Mechanics

Vending Machine

Circlet of Time

Please check the other wiki for the full list of each class's Circlet of Time and its attributes.

Circlet of Time Enchantment

Please check the other wiki for the full table of enchants.

  • Note: on IRO the enchantment 'Unyielding' is known as Tenacity

Card Trade

Card Trade
Item Requiement
27384.png Mutated White Knight Card 25866.png 50 Temporal Spell
27385.png Mutated Khalitzburg Card 25866.png 70 Temporal Spell


Card Type Description
CardMutating White Knight Card27384.png Weapon Card Mutating White Knight Card
Matk + 15.
Increases magical damage against medium and large size enemies by 20%.

+ Mutating Khalitzburg Card

Reduces physical and magical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by 5%.
Increases magical damage against medium and large size enemies by 5%.
CardMutating Khalitzburg Card27385.png Shield Card Mutating Khalitzburg Card.
Mdef + 10.
Reduces physical and magical damage taken from medium and large size enemies by 25%.
CardCursed Raydric Card27386.png Accessory (Left) Card Cursed Raydric Card.
Increases physical damage against undead race enemies by 5%.

+ Cursed Raydric Archer Card

Increases physical damage against undead and demon race enemies by additional 5%.
CardCursed Raydric Archer Card27387.png Accessory (Right) Card Cursed Raydric Archer Card.
Increases physical damage against demon race enemies by 5%.
CardPrime Corruption Root Card27382.png Garment Card Prime Corruption Root Card.
Atk + 30.
Matk + 30.

+ CardCorruption Root H Card4604.png

Increases fire and neutral property magical damage by 30%.
CardPhantom of Amdarais Card27383.png Shoes Card Phantom of Amdarais Card.
MaxHP + 10%.
MaxSP + 5%.

+ CardAmdarais Card4601.png

Increases physical damage against all type enemies by 5%.
Matk + 5%.

+ CardAmdarais H Card4602.png

Increases physical damage against all type enemies by 10%.
Matk + 10%.
CardPhantom of Himmelmez Card27381.png Garment Card Phantom of Himmelmez Card.
Increases holy and neutral property magical damage by 100%.
Increases damage taken from all property by 30%.