Mega Sonic Blow

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Mega Sonic Blow
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 10
SP Cost: 25 + (2 × Skill Level)
Cast Delay: 0.5 seconds
Cooldown: 0.35 seconds
Target: Enemy
AP Generated: 1
Hyper Novice

Mega Sonic Blow (Alt: Mega Sonic Blow) is a 4th Expanded class active skill available as Hyper Novice.


Inflicts powerful melee physical damage to the target.

  • It has a chance to inflict Stun Stun status. Chance and duration are affected by target's resistance to status abnormalities.
  • Doubles damage to the target whose HP is less than 50%.
  • Damage is additionally increased according to the Self Study Tactics level, the caster's Base Level and POW.
  • It has a chance to inflict half of the total Critical Damage based on the caster's Critical chance.
Level Base Damage (ATK) Bonus Multiplier
1 950% 5
2 1,100% 10
3 1,250% 15
4 1,400% 20
5 1,550% 25
6 1,700% 30
7 1,850% 35
8 2,000% 40
9 2,150% 45
10 2,300% 50
Damage (ATK) = [(Base_Damage + (Self Study Tactics Lvl x Bonus Multiplier) + 5 × POW) × Base_Lv ÷ 100]%


Enhanced By

  • TBA


  • TBA