Varetyr Spear

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Varetyr Spear
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 60 + (Skill Level × 5)
Fixed Cast Time: [2 − (Skill Level × 0.2)] seconds
Variable Cast Time: [3 + (Skill Level × 0.1)] seconds
Cast Delay: 1 second
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Target: Enemy
Range: Magic
Area of Effect: 3x3 ~ 9x9
Property: Wind
Status: Stun Stun
(Sage) Endow Quake Lv. 1, Whirlwind Lv. 4

Varetyr Spear (Alt: Varetyr Spear) is a 3rd class offensive skill available as Sorcerer.


Calls forth a gigantic spear of lightning from the skies to skewer a single target, which will inflict Wind property damage to all enemies around the target. It has a chance of leaving enemies stunned. The damage is enhanced if the user has learned both Striking and Endow Tornado.

Level Area of Effect Stun Cast Time (Fix + Var) SP Cost
Chance Duration
1 3x3 5% 2.2s (1.8 + 3.1)s 65
2 10% 2.4s (1.6 + 3.2)s 70
3 15% 2.6s (1.4 + 3.3)s 75
4 5x5 20% 2.8s (1.2 + 3.4)s 80
5 25% 3.0s (1.0 + 3.5)s 85
6 25% 3.0s (1.0 + 3.6)s 90
7 7x7 25% 3.0s (1.0 + 3.7)s 95
8 25% 3.0s (1.0 + 3.8)s 100
9 25% 3.0s (1.0 + 3.9)s 105
10 9x9 25% 3.0s (1.0 + 4.0)s 110
Damage (MATK) = [{(Skill_Lv + 2) × INT ÷ 2 + (EndowTornado_Lv + Striking Level) × 150}  × (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%


  • The total damage is inflicted in one bundle of 3 hits
  • This skill does not affect targets on Magnetic Earth.


Bestowed by

Super Novice

Enhanced by






  • 4692.png True Celia Alde Card
    • Increases damage by 20%
    • When compounded to a level 4 weapon, increases damage by 20%.
    • If refine level is +10 or higher, increases damage by 20%.


This page has the previous version of this skill before the 2021 skill updates.


  • December 15th, 2021
    • Levels increased from 5 to 10.
    • Damage formula changed.
      • Old: Deals a hybrid of ATK and MATK damage, which treated enemy's hard DEF as soft DEF.
      • New: Deals only MATK damage, making MDEF bypass more helpful now.
    • Area of effect changed.
      • Old: Max area of effect was 7x7 at skill level 5.
      • New: Max area of effect is 9x9 at skill level 10
    • Cooldown increased from 2 to 5 seconds.
    • SP consumed per level changed.
      • 48 + (Skill Level × 7)
      • 60 + (Skill Level × 5)
  • October 13th, 2022
    • Damage Improved.
      • Old: [{(Skill_Lv × INT ÷ 2) + (EndowTornado_Lv × 120) + (Striking Level × 120)} × (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%
      • New: [{(Skill_Lv + 2) × INT ÷ 2 + (EndowTornado_Lv + Striking Level) × 150} × (BaseLv ÷ 100)]%