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Job Base(s): Ranger
Job Type: 4-1
Job Level: 50
Race: Human
Changes At: Umbala
Number of Skills: 13
Total Skill Points: 67
Total Quest Skills: 0
Job Bonuses
+2 +12 +8 +9 +8 +4
Talent Bonuses
+7 +4 +5 +4 +9 +4


Wind Hawk, the advanced class for Ranger, is capable of wielding the power of the wind. Armed with skills to shoot powerful wind arrows, they also have the ability to communicate with wildlife, allowing them to use Warg and Falcon together."

Job Change Guide

See Windhawk Job Change Guide for detailed information.

The job change quest involves the Ranger to survive all ten in-game days with nothing, but materials and tools left in and around the cabin.

Class Data


See Hunter Skills or Sniper Skills for 2nd class Skills. Ranger Skills for 3rd class Skills

Skill Description Levels Type
Single Target / Area of Effect Skills
Crescive Bolt Casts a strong arrow burst on a single target that has a chance to deal critical damage. 10 Offensive
Gale Storm Inflict damage in a large area. Regenerates AP if the skill hits 3 or more enemies. Skill will inflict critical damage while Calamity Gale is active. 10 Offensive
Buffs / Debuffs
Wind Sign Mark a target with a Wind Sign Wind Sign that allows the player to regenrate AP while dealing normal long-ranged attacks to the target. 5 Supportive
Calamity Gale Grants No Limits No Limits effect to the user and gains a buff that improves Crescive Bolt and Gale Storm. 1 Supportive (AP)
Trap Skills
Advanced Trap Improves the effects of Windhawk traps. 5 Passive
Solid Trap Lay down a trap that deals Earth melee physical damage with a chance of inflicting Crystallization Crystallization. 5 Offensive
Deep Blind Trap Lay down a trap that deals Shadow melee physical damage with a chance of inflicting Deep Blind Deep Blind. 5 Offensive
Flame Trap Lay down a trap that deals Fire melee physical damage with a chance of inflicting Arson Arson. 5 Offensive
Swift Trap Lay down a trap that deals Wind melee physical damage with a chance of inflicting Torrent Torrent. 5 Offensive
Hawk Skills
Hawk Mastery Allows the player to summon a Hawk together with a Warg at the cost of less chance to autocast Warg Strike while normally attacking. 1 Supportive
Nature's Friend Improves Hawk Rush autocast chance while attacking normally. 5 Passive
Hawk Rush Command your Hawk to attack a target at long range twice. The skill has a chance to deal critical damage. 5 Offensive
Hawk Boomerang Command your Hawk to attack a target at long range once with a chance to deal critical damage. 5 Offensive (AP)

Skill Tree

Job & Talent Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
STR 23 45
AGI 3 5 10 12 13 19 26 33 38 39 41 47
VIT 2 6 9 11 20 25 35 49
INT 4 16 21 26 34 37 38 45 48
DEX 1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50
LUK 14 18 27 31
POW 5 13 24 34 40 42 47
STA 16 22 30 42
WIS 9 21 33 36 44 41
SPL 8 15 32
CON 3 2 11 14 18 28 29 44 50
CRT 17 31 40 46


Equip Attack Speed From Ranger
Bare Handed 156 0
Bow -10 -1
Shield -9 -1
Dagger -8 +2
ASPD Potions Usable
645.png Concentration
656.png Awakening
657.png Berserk

Builds and Equipment

NOTE: While all listed gears in this section are viable for usage, it is encouraged to test the item combinations you desire for your character first by going to the iRO Wiki Calculator, consult any knowledgable players in your group or in iRO Wiki Discord, or watch video guides before purchasing any item included in this list.

Focused Arrow Strike

This is a continuation of the same Focused Arrow Strike build from when the player was still a Sniper and a Ranger. This skill can still be further improved from raising the player's POW and then their CRT talents and taking advantage of the base level improvement of this skill.

Status and Talent Build

  • STR:
  • AGI:
  • VIT:
  • INT:
  • DEX:
  • LUK:

  • POW: 97-100 (Increased status ATK and your main source of P. Atk.)
  • STA: 0
  • WIS: 0
  • SPL: 0
  • CON: 0
  • CRT: 97-100 (C. Rate for increased damage per hit.)

Equipment List

  • Main Weapon Options
  • Upper Headgear Options
  • Mid Headgear Options
  • Low Headgear Options
  • Body Armor Options
  • Garment Options
  • Footwear Options
  • Right Accessory Options
  • Left Accessory Options

  • Costume Upper Enchants
  • Costume Mid Enchants
  • Costume Low Enchants
  • Costume Garment Enchants
  • Costume Garment (Dual) Enchants

  • Shadow Weapon Options
  • Shadow Armor Options
  • Shadow Shield Options
  • Shadow Shoes Options
  • Shadow Earring Options
  • Shadow Pendant Options


Arrow Storm

This build, like the one above, is also a continuation of the same build from when the player was still a Ranger. Upon becoming a Windhawk, the player can improve the damage of this skill through increasing their base level, adding POW and CON talents as they level up.

Status and Talent Build

  • STR:
  • AGI:
  • VIT:
  • INT:
  • DEX:
  • LUK:

  • POW: 97-100 (Increased status ATK and your main source of P. Atk.)
  • STA: 0
  • WIS: 0
  • SPL: 0
  • CON: 97-100 (For more P. Atk.)
  • CRT: 0

Equipment List

  • Main Weapon Options
  • Upper Headgear Options
  • Mid Headgear Options
  • Low Headgear Options
  • Body Armor Options
  • Garment Options
  • Footwear Options
  • Right Accessory Options
  • Left Accessory Options

  • Costume Upper Enchants
  • Costume Mid Enchants
  • Costume Low Enchants
  • Costume Garment Enchants
  • Costume Garment (Dual) Enchants

  • Shadow Weapon Options
  • Shadow Armor Options
  • Shadow Shield Options
  • Shadow Shoes Options
  • Shadow Earring Options
  • Shadow Pendant Options


Aimed Bolt

This build, like the one above, is also a continuation of the same build from when the player was still a Ranger. Upon becoming a Windhawk, the player can improve the damage of this skill through increasing their base level, adding POW and CON talents as they level up.

Status and Talent Build

  • STR:
  • AGI:
  • VIT:
  • INT:
  • DEX:
  • LUK:

  • POW: 97-100 (Increased status ATK and your main source of P. Atk.)
  • STA: 0
  • WIS: 0
  • SPL: 0
  • CON: 97-100 (For more P. Atk.)
  • CRT: 0

Equipment List

  • Main Weapon Options
  • Upper Headgear Options
  • Mid Headgear Options
  • Low Headgear Options
  • Body Armor Options
  • Garment Options
  • Footwear Options
  • Right Accessory Options
  • Left Accessory Options

  • Costume Upper Enchants
  • Costume Mid Enchants
  • Costume Low Enchants
  • Costume Garment Enchants
  • Costume Garment (Dual) Enchants

  • Shadow Weapon Options
  • Shadow Armor Options
  • Shadow Shield Options
  • Shadow Shoes Options
  • Shadow Earring Options
  • Shadow Pendant Options


Crescive Bolt

Crescive Bolt is a skill unique to this job where its main application is to damage high HP targets (typically boss monsters) through this skill's unique mechanics and the ability to deal critical damage.

Status and Talent Build

  • STR: The rest (No significant benefit besides the increased Weight Limit.)
  • AGI: 80-120 (For ASPD and FLEE)
  • VIT: 70-100 (For HP and some status immunity.)
  • INT: 60-100 (For 100% VCT, SP, and some status immunity.)
  • DEX: 120-130 (Your main source of damage and helps you achieve 100% VCT.)
  • LUK: 100-126 (For increased CRI. Value varies depending on whether you use PDM, Galensis Card, or neither.)

  • POW: 97-100 (Increased status ATK and your main source of P.ATK.)
  • STA: 0
  • WIS: 0
  • SPL: 0
  • CON: 97-100 (For Crescive Bolt's CON scaling, P.ATK, and FLEE.)
  • CRT: 0

Equipment List

Main Weapon Options

Recommended Main Weapon Cards:
4140.png Abysmal Knight
27361.png Polluted Wander Man
4399.png Memory of Thanatos
4140.png Baphomet Card if with Royal Prontera Cape
4318.png Stormy Knight if with Royal Payon Cape

Upper Headgear Options

Recommended Upper Headgear Cards:
4506.png Dolomedes
300015.png Purple Ferus
300150.png Abysmal King Dramoh
4582.png Bungisngis
300174.png Melted Poring
4480.png Sealed Kiel
4403.png Kiel D-01
4925.png Darklord Essence Luck3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc
4916.png Darklord Essence Speed3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc
4112.png Marduk Card/4148.png Pharaoh Card if with Ancient Morocc Noble Jewelry

Mid Headgear Options

Recommended Mid Headgear Cards:
27351.png Firm Air Deleter
300174.png Melted Poring
4480.png Sealed Kiel
4403.png Kiel D-01
4925.png Darklord Essence Luck3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc
4916.png Darklord Essence Speed3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc
4112.png Marduk Card/4148.png Pharaoh Card if with Ancient Morocc Noble Jewelry

Low Headgear Options

Body Armor Options

Recommended Cards:
27082.png Angry Nine Tail
4392.png Dame of Sentinel
300254.png Amitera
4408.png Gloom Under Night
27126.png Boitata
300021.png Bone Detardeurus
300007.png Jewel Ungoliant
4601.png Amdarais
4602.png Amdarais H
4342.png RSX-0806 if with Ancient Mechanic Greaves 27081.png Angry Moonlight if with Ancient Ranger Greaves

Garment Options

Recommended Cards:
300261.png Galensis
300270.png Empathizer
4676.png Ranger Cecil

Footwear Options

Recommended Cards:
27256.png Blut Hase
300184.png Midnight Blut Hase
300095.png Papila Cae
300144.png Abysmal Merman
27164.png Faceworm Queen
27318.png Miguel
27321.png Despair God Morroc if with Loyal Servant of Morroc

Right Accessory Options

Recommended Cards:
300278.png Void Mimic
4084.png Marine Sphere
27322.png Demon God's Apostle Ahat/27323.png Demon God's Apostle Shnaim if with Loyal Servant of Morroc

Left Accessory Options

Recommended Cards:
300278.png Void Mimic
4084.png Marine Sphere
27322.png Demon God's Apostle Ahat/27323.png Demon God's Apostle Shnaim if with Loyal Servant of Morroc

Costume Upper Enchants

Costume Mid Enchants

Costume Low Enchants

Costume Garment Enchants

Costume Garment (Dual) Enchants

Shadow Weapon Options

Shadow Shield Options

Shadow Armor Options

Shadow Shoes Options

Shadow Earring Options

Shadow Pendant Options

Note: If shadow equipment is enchantable by a spellbook, it's recommended to get POW or C. Rate on the second line option. The effects on the first line option is not usually a priority but ASPD +1 is usually desired if it is.


The main purpose of this skill is to deal high damage and quick burst shots to the enemy, preferably generally strong enemies such as MVPs. To achieve this, the player needs to deal as high as possible DPS by increasing you damage per hit and reducing as much cast delay as possible to the point where you are able to do 7 hits per second (see ASPD#Hits per Second).

Use of traps is possible if allowed by map and enemy mechanics but it is quite unpopular nowadays due to the gears themselves carry the damage of the skill rather than allowing the player to use actual in-game strategy.

Due to the lack of defensive skills of the job, it is usually encouraged to bring a tank for harder content such as Geffen Night Arena for them to deal with the incoming damage while the player concentrates on defeating the boss.

It is possible to use this skill against normal monsters but one may find it overkill and lacking in terms of range and no AoE. This is why in most normal scenarios such as leveling or item hunting, Gale Storm and Hawk Rush are more preferrably used due to their more specalized functions.

Gale Storm

Gale Storm is a skill unique to this job. It can be used as an alternative or used alongside Arrow Storm due to their similar function and characteristics.

Status and Talent Build

  • STR: The rest (No significant benefit besides the increased Weight Limit.)
  • AGI: 80-120 (For ASPD and FLEE)
  • VIT: 70-100 (For HP and some status immunity.)
  • INT: 60-100 (For 100% VCT, SP, and some status immunity.)
  • DEX: 120-130 (Your main source of damage and helps you achieve 100% VCT.)
  • LUK: 100-126 (For increased CRI when Calamity Gale is active. Value varies depending on whether you use PDM, Galensis Card, or neither.)

  • POW: 97-100 (Increased status ATK and your main source of P.ATK.)
  • STA: 0
  • WIS: 0
  • SPL: 0
  • CON: 97-100 (For Gale Storm's CON scaling, P.ATK, and FLEE.)
  • CRT: 0

Equipment List

Main Weapon Options

Recommended Main Weapon Cards:
4140.png Abysmal Knight
27361.png Polluted Wander Man
4399.png Memory of Thanatos
4140.png Baphomet if with Royal Prontera Cape
4318.png Stormy Knight if with Royal Payon Cape

Upper Headgear Options

Recommended Upper Headgear Cards:
4506.png Dolomedes
300015.png Purple Ferus
300150.png Abysmal King Dramoh
4582.png Bungisngis
300174.png Melted Poring
4480.png Sealed Kiel
4403.png Kiel D-01
4925.png Darklord Essence Luck3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc
4916.png Darklord Essence Speed3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc

Mid Headgear Options

Recommended Mid Headgear Cards:
27351.png Firm Air Deleter
300174.png Melted Poring
4480.png Sealed Kiel
4403.png Kiel D-01
4925.png Darklord Essence Luck3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc
4916.png Darklord Essence Speed3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc

Low Headgear Options

Body Armor Options

Recommended Cards:
27082.png Angry Nine Tail
4392.png Dame of Sentinel
300254.png Amitera
4408.png Gloom Under Night
27126.png Boitata
300021.png Bone Detardeurus
300007.png Jewel Ungoliant
4601.png Amdarais
4602.png Amdarais H
4342.png RSX-0806 if with Ancient Mechanic Greaves 27081.png Angry Moonlight if with Ancient Ranger Greaves

Garment Options

Recommended Cards:
300261.png Galensis
300270.png Empathizer
4676.png Ranger Cecil

Footwear Options

Recommended Cards:
27256.png Blut Hase
300184.png Midnight Blut Hase
300095.png Papila Cae
300144.png Abysmal Merman
27164.png Faceworm Queen
27318.png Miguel
27321.png Despair God Morroc if with Loyal Servant of Morroc

Right Accessory Options

Recommended Cards:
300278.png Void Mimic
4084.png Marine Sphere
27322.png Demon God's Apostle Ahat/27323.png Demon God's Apostle Shnaim if with Loyal Servant of Morroc

Left Accessory Options

Recommended Cards:
300278.png Void Mimic
4084.png Marine Sphere
27322.png Demon God's Apostle Ahat/27323.png Demon God's Apostle Shnaim if with Loyal Servant of Morroc

Costume Upper Enchants

Costume Mid Enchants

Costume Low Enchants

Costume Garment Enchants

Costume Garment (Dual) Enchants

Shadow Weapon Options

Shadow Shield Options

Shadow Armor Options

Shadow Shoes Options

Shadow Earring Options

Shadow Pendant Options

Note: If shadow equipment is enchantable by a spellbook, it's recommended to get POW or C. Rate on the second line option. The effects on the first line option is not usually a priority but ASPD +1 is usually desired if it is.


Gale Storm is a strong area skill that has similar mechanics with Arrow Storm but has a larger AoE and has the ability to deal critical damage while in the Calamity Gale effect. This skill is usually used as a side skill for Crescive Bolt builds for AP regeneration or a general area skill for hunting and leveling and is almost never used as a main skill. This skill also has incredible range which enables the player to cast the skill from far away.

If one does decide to build solely for Gale Storm, the player is most likely to be gear locked with the Moonflower Bow and Moon God Lapel combo which reduces the cooldown of the skill to 0.5 seconds. If the player decides to not use this item combination, they can cast Arrow Storm in between cooldown of Gale Storm if the Arrow Storm damage can be justified to be used.

Hawk Build (Auto-attack and Skill)

This build is the natural progression to the falcon builds for Hunters or Snipers and the warg build for Rangers. Besides the main skill being Hawk Rush which enables the player to deal massive damage to enemies, the Windhawk's hawk also gains the abilities of the falcon, including all of the falcon-related skills such as Blitz Beat and Detect. Being able to use a warg alongside the falcon will help gain the Windhawk gain advantage in the field.

Status and Talent Build

  • STR: The rest (No significant benefit besides the increased Weight Limit.)
  • AGI: 80-120 (For ASPD and FLEE)
  • VIT: 70-100 (For HP and some status immunity.)
  • INT: 60-100 (For 100% VCT, SP, and some status immunity.)
  • DEX: 120-130 (Your main source of damage and helps you achieve 100% VCT.)
  • LUK: 100-126 (For increased CRI. Value varies depending on whether you use PDM, Galensis Card, or neither.)

  • POW: 97-100 (Increased status ATK and your main source of P.ATK.)
  • STA: 0
  • WIS: 0
  • SPL: 0
  • CON: 97-100 (For Hawk Rush's CON scaling and autocast rate, P.ATK, and FLEE.)
  • CRT: 97-100 (For C. RATE if you have too much P.ATK from POW.)

Equipment List

Main Weapon Options

Recommended Main Weapon Cards:
4140.png Abysmal Knight
27361.png Polluted Wander Man
4399.png Memory of Thanatos
4140.png Baphomet Card if with Royal Prontera Cape
4318.png Stormy Knight if with Royal Payon Cape

Upper Headgear Options

Recommended Upper Headgear Cards:
4506.png Dolomedes
300015.png Purple Ferus
300150.png Abysmal King Dramoh
4925.png Darklord Essence Luck3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc
4916.png Darklord Essence Speed3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc
4357.png Lord Knight

Mid Headgear Options

Recommended Mid Headgear Cards:
4506.png Dolomedes
300015.png Purple Ferus
300150.png Abysmal King Dramoh
4925.png Darklord Essence Luck3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc
4916.png Darklord Essence Speed3 if with Loyal Servant of Morroc
4357.png Lord Knight

Low Headgear Options

Body Armor Options

Recommended Cards:
27082.png Angry Nine Tail
4392.png Dame of Sentinel
300254.png Amitera
4408.png Gloom Under Night
27126.png Boitata
300021.png Bone Detardeurus
300007.png Jewel Ungoliant
4601.png Amdarais
4602.png Amdarais H
4342.png RSX-0806 if with Ancient Mechanic Greaves
27081.png Angry Moonlight if with Ancient Ranger Greaves

Garment Options

Recommended Cards:
300261.png Galensis
300270.png Empathizer
4676.png Ranger Cecil

Footwear Options

Recommended Cards:
27256.png Blut Hase
300184.png Midnight Blut Hase
300095.png Papila Cae
300144.png Abysmal Merman
27164.png Faceworm Queen
27318.png Miguel
27321.png Despair God Morroc if with Loyal Servant of Morroc

Right Accessory Options

Recommended Cards:
300278.png Void Mimic
4084.png Marine Sphere
27322.png Demon God's Apostle Ahat/27323.png Demon God's Apostle Shnaim if with Loyal Servant of Morroc

Left Accessory Options

Recommended Cards:
300278.png Void Mimic
4084.png Marine Sphere
27322.png Demon God's Apostle Ahat/27323.png Demon God's Apostle Shnaim if with Loyal Servant of Morroc

Costume Upper Enchants

Costume Mid Enchants

Costume Low Enchants

Costume Garment Enchants

Costume Garment (Dual) Enchants

Shadow Weapon Options

Shadow Shield Options

Shadow Armor Options

Shadow Shoes Options

Shadow Earring Options

Shadow Pendant Options

Note: If shadow equipment is enchantable by a spellbook, it's recommended to get POW or C. Rate on the second line option. The effects on the first line option is not usually a priority but ASPD +1 is usually desired if it is.


The Hawk Rush build is an alternative boss damager build that excels at dealing damage at a longer range than Crescive Bolt for both manual cast and auto-attack. The auto-cast heavily relies with the user's total CON with having 150 CON will effectively let the player auto-cast Hawk Rush at 100% chance.


The trapper build is a progression to the trapper build by Rangers. Please keep in mind that Windhawk traps deal Melee physical damage.

Status and Talent Build

  • STR:
  • AGI:
  • VIT:
  • INT:
  • DEX:
  • LUK:

  • POW: 100 (Increased status ATK and your main source of P. Atk.)
  • STA: 0
  • WIS: 0
  • SPL: 0
  • CON: 97 (For extra P. Atk.)
  • CRT: 0

Equipment List

  • Costume Upper Enchants
  • Costume Mid Enchants
  • Costume Low Enchants
  • Costume Garment Enchants
  • Costume Garment (Dual) Enchants

  • Shadow Weapon Options
  • Shadow Armor Options
  • Shadow Shield Options
  • Shadow Shoes Options
  • Shadow Earring Options
  • Shadow Pendant Options
