Quest Window

The Quest Window or Quest Journal (Opened via Alt+U) allows the player to view all quests their character has started but not yet completed (Except for instance dungeon quests and Battlegrounds instances, which always remain once started).
To place a quest in the Inactive tab, right click once on it and the name will turn gray. It will then appear on the Inactive tab instead of Active. Right clicking the name again will bring it back to the Active tab. Moving the quest back and forth has no effect on whether you can continue it or not.
The Quest Window was redesigned after Renewal. In addition to the redesigned Quest Window, if a player kills a monster for a current quest a notification box will appear above their character's head. If enabled the first 5 quests listed in the active tab will appear on the right side of your game window with a basic quest description.
Not every quest has a quest window component. Those quests who have quest window walkthroughs can be found in this category as well as by having their infobox in gold. Additionally, the Quest Window guides are not comprehensive, and do not specify the exact coordinates of the next NPC or location the player must visit. It is highly recommended to continue using the wiki guides along with the in-game walkthroughs.
Entry Removal
- To remove unwanted event quest entries, talk to the Quest Knight in Prontera .
Class-specific Quests
Current Quests
Headgears and all other items made through NPCs are listed on the Item Mixing page. Quests that are repeatable are italicized. Repeatable quests with a cooldown period have said information on their repesctive pages.
Arc Quests
Move to Arc Quests page.
Standalone Quests
- Note: Quests in italics are repeatable.
Prontera Quests
- Prontera Culverts Entrance Quest
- Juice Quest
- Curse of Gaebolg (Founding of the Nation Myth Quest)
- Z-Gang Quest
- Rogue Guild Investigation Quest
- Spy Quest
- Successor to the Throne Quest
- The Royal Banquet
- Royal Banquet Daily Quests
Payon Quests
Alberta Quests
- Turtle Island Entrance Quest
- Turtle Island Treasure Quest
- Endless Tower Quest
- Alberta Boy
- Solo Master
- Illusion of Abyss Turtle Island
Morroc Quests
- Geffen Bard Quest
- Eye of Hellion Quest
- Muff's Loan Quest
- Broken Diamond Quest
- Unlucky Emerald Quest
- Peace for Arunafeltz Quest
- Rebuilding the Destroyed Morroc (14.3 Update)
Geffen Quests
Juno Quests
- Alchemist Item Gathering
- Stop Metto's Research
- Kiel Hyre Quest
- Juno Remedy Quest
- Juperos Ruins History Quest
Amatsu Quests
- Amatsu Dungeon Entrance Quest
- Dokebi Battle Quest
- Sashimi Knife Quest - non-repeatable once knife is awarded
- Ore Combining
- Amatsu Blue Harvest Quest
Kunlun Quests
Umbala Quests
Comodo Quests
Nifflheim Quests
Louyang Quests
Ayothaya Quests
Transcendent Update Quests
Einbroch Quests
- Lovers Quest
- Airship Ticket Quest
- Factory Quest
- Einbroch Murder Quest
- Cavitar Quest
- Biological Weapon Quest
- Terra Gloria
- Terra Gloria Daily Quests
Lighthalzen Quests
- Friendship Quest
- Biolabs Entrance Quest
- Cursed Spirit Quest
- President Quest
- How the Airship Works Quest
- Pickpocket Quest
- Juperos Quest
- Dangerous Rumors
- Biolab Gear Exchange
- Wolfchev's Laboratory
Noghalt Quests
- Shadow Quest (Rekenber Job Quest)
- Heart Fragment Quest
- Cooking Quest
- Abyss Lake Entrance Guide
- Thanatos Tower Quest
Hugel Quests
- Fish Cake Soup Quest
- Hugel Cow Milking
- Hugel Minigames
- Hide n' Seek Quest
- Hugel Memory Quest
- Medicine Quest
- Odin's Temple Excavation Quest
- Rebellion Quest
Rachel Quests
Veins Quests
Nameless Island Quests
Satan Morroc Quests
Moscovia Quests
- Finding The Moving Island Quest
- Help Mikhail Quest
- Banish Winter Quest
- Acorn Exchange Quest
- Koschei the Immortal
Ash Vacuum Quests
- Onward to the New World Quest
- Finding a Fairy
- Cat Hand Services
- God Items Quest 2 (aka Fallacious Okolnir)
- WoE 2 Guild Dungeon Event
- Orc Memory Dungeon
Into the Unknown Quests
Other World Allied Camp
- New Surroundings
- Attitude to the New World
- Tripatriate Union's Feud
- Pursuing Rayan Moore
- Report from the New World
- Part Time Job
- Ring of the Wise King
- Rin's Request
- Collecting Draco Eggs
- Tribe Investigation
- Guardian of Yggdrasil
- Nidhoggur's Nest
Brasilis Quests
- Brasilis Murder Mystery
- Brasilis Dungeon Entrance Quest
- Brasilis Water Lily Quest
- Guarana Quest
- Lost Puppies Quest
- Strange Hydra Quest
- The Song of Iara
El Dicastes Quests
- Sapha's Visit
- Doha's Secret Orders
- Frede's Request
- Department Quests
- Document Quests
- Chesire's New Day
Dewata Quests
Bifrost Quests
- Theore's Request
- Wandering Guardian Quest
- Hazy Forest
- Helping Lope and Euridi
- Mora Daily Quests
- Find the Research Tools
- Knights of the Neighborhood
Port Malaya Quests
- Cautious Village
- Nurse in Port Malaya
- Secret in the Woods
- Rumor, Time and Legend
- Bakonawa Extermination
- Port Malaya Daily Summary
- Traditional Spiritual Protection & Impudent Girl
- The Old Man & The Cast-Iron Cauldron
- Shiny Blade
- Ghost on the Ferry Ship
- Get Rid of the Jejeling
- Jejeling and Jejellopy
- Marie's Child
- Purified Bones
- Can't Look Into His Eyes
Malangdo Quests
- Malangdo Island
- Help The Bad Cats In Danger
- Play with Baby Cats
- Clean the Ship
- Cat Gamers
- Malangdo Culvert
- Octopus Cave
- Noisy Machine
- Compass Game
- Yggdrasil Berry Gathering
- Fill the Crack
- Clean the Ship (repeatable)
- Help Chef Nyas
Eclage Quests
- Eclage Entrance Quest
- Oliver Wolf Hood Quest
- Troublesome Fairies
- Wanted to be Big and Beautiful
- Encounter in a Strange Land
- Light & Darkness
- Mysterious Robbery
- Memory of Professor Worm
- Eclage Daily Quests
WoE TE & Glast Heim Quests
- WoE Coin Daily Quests
- God Items Quest 3
- Beginner Old Glast Heim
- Old Glast Heim
- Advanced Old Glast Heim
Dimensional Gap Quests
- Return of Rayan Moore
- Sara's Memory
- Faceworm Nest
- Timeless Item
- Ghost Palace
- Devil's Tower
- Geffen Magic Tournament
- Airship Raid
- Sarah and Fenrir
- Dimensional Travel (14.3 Update)
Flame Basin & Flame Cave Quests
- Verus City
- To Phantasmagorika!
- Looking for the Traces
- Vestige
- Bard's Story
- Passage Cleaning
- Eliminating Risks
- Police Chief's Request
- New Power Source
- Core Collection
- Collect Memory Records of Research Facilities
- Record Piece
- Krotzel's Request
- Charleston Crisis (Instance)
Rock Ridge
Other Quests
- Beginner Skill Resetter
- Criminal Activities Quest
- Eye of the Beholder
- Hair Styling/Dye Quests
- Headgear Quests
- The Lion's Roar
- Lost Spirits
- Overlook Water Dungeon Quests
- Potion Make Quest
- Ragnarok Tactics Event
- Shaman Ring Quest
- Snowysnow Quest
- Thor Volcano Level 2 Access Quest
- VIP Summoner
- Wave Mode Dungeon
Eden Group Quests
(aka Paradise Group Quests)
iRO Event Quests & Guides
- 2022 Lunar New Year Event
- 2022 Sweets Festival
- 2022 Happy Egg Festival
- 2022 Spring Flower Event
- 2022 Summer Noodle Festival
- 2021 Lunar New Year Event
- 2021 Valentine's Day Event
- Happy Egg Festival 2021
- 2021 Spring Flower Event
- 2021 Melon Festival Event
- 2021 Booster Event
- 2021 Popcorn Festa Event
- 2021 Summer Noodle Festival
- 2021 Royal Hunt
- 2021 Halloween Event
- 2021 Snow Flower Festival
- 2020 St. Patrick's Day Event
- 2020 Anniversary Quest
- Once More Unto the Breach
- The Royal Hunt
- Trick or Treat Halloween Celebration 2020
- Harvest Festival
- Snow Flower Festival 2020
- 2019 St. Patrick's Day Event
- iRO 16th Anniversary Event - Ferus Faire 2019
- 2019 Talk Like a Pirate Day: The Gilded Galapagos
- Episode Ragnarok
- 2018 Winter Sports Festa
- 2018 St. Patrick's Day Event
- 2018 Easter Event
- iRO 15th Anniversary Event - Poring Con 2018
- 2018 Talk Like a Pirate Day: The Gilded Galapagos
- Trick or Treat Halloween Celebration 2018
- St. Patrick's Day (2017/03/16) ~ (2017/03/30)
- Rune-Midgart Spotlight (2017/01/26) ~ (2017/03/23)
- Valentine's Day Event (2017/01/26) ~ (2017/0X/0X)
- 2015 Lunar New Year Event (2017/01/26) ~ (2017/0X/0X) (Re-activate)
- 2014 Lunar New Year Event - Octopus Festival (2017/01/26) ~ (2016/0X/0X) (Re-activate)
- 2012 Lunar New Year Event (2017/01/26) ~ (2017/0X/0X) (Re-activate)
- Happy Egg Festival 2017
- 2017 Halloween Event
- 2017 Christmas Event